How to enter a house acccount payment (receipt) in POS
Please log in your POS and open a shift.
From your POS dashboard go to “Tools” then click on “Enter Receipts”. You will see the following blank screen for posting receipt.
Select Check/Cash/Credit Card from Receipt Type ID drop down menu accordingly.
Enter Customer Id and system will populate that customer info then select your customer.
Once customer is selected you can see “Running Balance” link of that customer. Click on that link to check running balance of your customer.
Running Balance of Customer:
Enter Check Number (if payment method is Check) and payment amount you want to post for that customer and hit “Post” button to post payment against that customer.
Once payment is successfuly posted, system will generate receipt id for that payment and all fields will be non-editable. System will automatically print that payemnt receipt from your receipt printer. Keep that receipt ID for future refence.
If you would like to post more payments click on “New” link at the bottom and enter new payment for customer.