How to Add/Update Product in POS
Please prepare your spredhsheet(excel) file in correct format to upload.
Go to your POS screen and then left hand menu to Tools:
Tools --> Add-Update Products
You will see upload engine to add new products and/or update existing products.
Please click on the browse button and select your spreadsheet file to upload and fill the spreadsheet file sheet name into Sheet Name box, then click on upload button.
In the next screen you will see upload options to upload fields. Please select proper fields from dropdown menu.
Once all fields are properly selected, please click on the Preview button to review your data before import or you can directly import by clicking on the Import button.
On this screen, you can review your data before importing it. If there is an error in the file, the system will mark that row as RED and will show an error message at the bottom.
After you review your data click on the "Process Now" button to upload data.
In the next screen, the system will show all newly added products first and then will show all updated products.