How to Enter a Standing Order in POS

How to Enter a Standing/Recurring Order in POS


Please login into POS and in left menu go as follows to create standing order:

Tools --> Standing Order


On standing order screen, please search order # for which you want to create standing orders.


Please select standing order period and then click to Next button.


Now select standing order frequency like Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc and then clcik to next.


Please select Day for which you want to create standing order. You can select single day or mutiple days then clcik to next.


On this screen, system will show all future delivery orders, please review them and verify all standing orders exist in this screen and then hit "Click to Generate Orders For Above Delivery Dates"


In this screen, standing orders are generated and you can their order ticket by clicking on magnift glass icon.


You can also see your standing orders log from standing order screen.


Here you will see a list of standng order created in past.