eVenta FAQ

eVenta FAQ



What’s eVenta and What Can It Do?

See and manage your proposals all in one place. Once you have your own custom template configured in eVenta, it takes less than 3 minutes to send a new proposal via email. Your customer receives a professional looking PDF that they can sign and approve. Our easy-to-use WYSIWYG online editor and reusable content library puts winning proposals into the hands of your customer’s hands faster.  

To save time you should create your own custom proposal template, and load all your product items first, but you can also do this on the fly. We have loaded some sample templates for you, and some sample items to work with.

Where to start?

You can use the default proposal template provided or create your own custom proposal template here:

Proposals> New Template



You can then create a new proposal with your chosen template.

Edit the proposal using the WYSIWYG editor and save your changes.

*WYSIWYG is an acronym for “what you see is what you get.”

What is the Event Worksheet?

The event worksheet allows you to add all products, drill down on each item and create a recipe list, and add all delivery venue information.

Events> Event Worksheet


How to add Items to your Worksheet?

Open your event worksheet and scroll down to the Event Items section. Type the product name into the search field to add to your worksheet.


The Event Items field from the worksheet will populate the Items Table in your template, to the corresponding proposal. Any changes or additions to the items for your event will update on the proposal.


*If eVenta is integrated with your POS, and once the proposal is accepted, an order (from the Event Worksheet) is created in the system.

How to create a recipe list for an item?

Click on the item name to drill down to the recipe list.


How to email a proposal?

Once you have completed adding all items and retail costs, you can generate the PDF proposal and download or email it to the client from here:

Proposals> All Proposals