How to Create Recipes

Creating Recipes and Associating Recipes to an Item

Introduction: Your arrangements consist of multiple products or items and when combined are referred to here as an Assembly of an Item, or recipe. The Recipe feature allows you to create recipes for any item in your system and by doing so allows all parts of that assembly to be accounted for, making managing special items and inventory much easier.

This time and cost saving feature also allows you to create different recipes and distinguish different price types under the same assembly.


How to Create Recipes



Go to Tools —> Recipe List


The link will take you to the Recipe List Page. Here you can create a new recipe, edit a recipe, or delete recipes.


Start New Recipe

Click on the link  “Create New Recipe” at the top of the Recipe List page.



Select Price Type. (Example – Normal)



Fill Item ID. (Example – OA)


Select COGS Account – (Example - 410000-Sales)


Add any special instructions for this recipe in Recipe Instructions.

Add a description for this recipe and selected Price Type (normal) in Recipe Description.

Add recipe Items one by one using Item Search (you can search items with name, ID, description, price etc.)


Click on the Item ID to add this item to the recipe list.

  1. Now, you can enter the quantity for this recipe item in the Qty box of the grid. You can also see Number of items in assembly and SubTotal is also filled automatically.
  2. Then, click on the + (red symbol) of the row to add a recipe item.
  3. Continue Item add procedure to add multiple items.




Complete necessary cost fields.

Save Assembly” to save recipe.

Recipe is now visible on the Recipe List page.



New Recipe Field Description

*Recipe ID – Alphanumeric field. Each recipe must have a different (unique) id number which will be defined here. After creating (saving) the configuration of the recipe, this field can never be changed again. This field should be related to the recipe of items you are creating, ie: the product you are associating the recipe to.

*Price Type – Price Type will help you distinguish your recipe configurations for a single assembly by typing them as  NORMAL, BETTER, BEST.

With these types you  can easily create different configurations (recipe) of items for one assembly.

*Item ID- This field is optional to fill here. But, we recommend filling this with the Item ID in which you are creating the recipe for. For example, Orchid Affair Assembly is assigned to Orchid Affair Item on the Item List page. (we will show you how to assign a recipe to an item later in this document)

COGS Account- Optional. This is a dropdown having the list of all GL Accounts. This allows you to select the GL Account of your choice.

Recipe Instructions- Optional. Here you can define the ways to assemble all the items of the recipe. This will be same for all three variants of Price Type (NORMAL, BETTER, BEST)

Recipe Description- Optional. Write a description for the recipe, also allows you to write different descriptions for each Price Type variant (NORMAL, BETTER, BEST)

*Item Search- Search and add recipe items for assembly and add quantities for each recipe item.

Number of Items in Recipe - Not editable. This will show you the count of recipe items you have added in the recipe configuration of assembly so far. This may also be different for each Price Type variant of assembly.

Subtotal- Not editable. This is the total amount of the recipe items. Subtotal = SUM (each recipe item X  item quantity)

Recipe Time (In minutes) - Optional. How many minutes are required to assemble the recipe to make the one item with all recipe items. This may also be different for each Price Type variant.

Labor Rate (per hour) – Optional. Rate of the labor required to assemble all recipe items for this assembly. This should be per hour basis.

Labor Cost ($/hour) – Not editable. Auto calculated field. This is simply the calculation with time required to create a recipe in respect of the labor rate assigned. Labor Cost ($/hour) = Assembly Time (in hour) * Labor Rate (in $)

Total Cost - Not editable Total Cost = Sub Total + Labor Cost

Margin  % - Percentage of profit on this assembly.

Margin in $ - Not editable. Auto calculated. Margin (in $) = Total Cost * Margin (in %) * 0.01

Total Retail – Not editable. Auto calculated field. Total Retail = Total Cost + Margin (in $)

*SAVE RECIPE – When you are done with configuration of the recipe, don’t forget to click Save. It will save your recipe configuration against the price type selected.

Cancel – This will cancel all your changes on page and will redirect you to the Recipe List page.

Print in PDF – See the printable view of the recipe in the new page with the selected Price Type  tag.





How to Print a Recipe of an Item

Go to Recipe List Page and click EDIT on the recipe you want to print.


Select the Price Type of the recipe you want to print.

Scroll down to Print Recipe in PDF and select.

A new page will open, click ‘Send To Printer.’



How to Associate a Recipe to an Item

To assign a recipe to an item go to Tools —> Items List

1) Find the product or item and click on the EDIT button.

2) Under the Item Details section enable (check) the box for Is Assembly  and fill the Item Assembly dropdown with the Recipe ID you created earlier.

3) Click on “Save & Close” to save.