QuickFlora Payment Processing

Quickflora Payment Processing Steps:

Payment processing in QuickFlora is a two step process. The payment receipt must be entered and then the payment must be applied to one or more invoices for that customer.

When any payment is made by a customer then you will have to follow some steps to adjust that payment against the posted invoices for that customer.

For example, customer C-431 has posted two Invoices/Orders for the amount of  $100.00 and $50.00. In this example the customer makes a payment of $120.

Let’s review the initial picture of the account for the customer C-431.

There is no balance in the statement because we have not invoiced the orders yet.



There was a $1000 credit limit for this customer and we have booked orders totaling 150.00 ($100.00 and $50.00). So Customer financials looks like the following:

  • Booked orders: $150.00
  • Available Credit: $850.00 ($1000 - $150.00).
  • No A/R because we have not invoiced any order yet.


After Invoicing the Orders the Statement displays the following invoices for the customer.



Customer financials show the current A/R as total invoiced/ordered = $150 ($100.00 + $50.00).




Now starts the process of receipt posting and offsetting invoices.

Step 1: Post a Cash Receipt to the customer account.

In QuickFlora Admin (POS instructions below):

You will find this section under “A/R -> Cash Receipts > Customer Cash Receipts” menu item. Then you will see the following blank screen for posting a receipt.



On this screen you will provide the following:

Receipt Type Id

This is the type of receipt. It can be check, cash or Credit Card etc.

Note: If you will go for Credit Card then  you will have option to swipe card/enter card details/Select stored credit cards for the customer.

Customer ID

This is the id of the customer against whom you are going to post receipt. In our example case that is C-431.

First Name

Customer First Name

Last Name

Customer Last Name

Check Number

If you are going to post payment received in check then please provide the check number in this field.

Transaction Date

This is date on which you want to post the receipt in the account.


Total amount received from the customer


Then click on “Post” button to save the receipt against that customer.


After posting you will find the following screen with the generated receipt Id for the receipt you posted. All fields will not be editable.



QuickFlora POS:

In POS you'll find it under “Tools >> Enter Receipts”. Then you will see the following blank screen for posting receipts.



Select Check/Cash/Credit Card from Receipt Type ID drop down menu accordingly.

Enter Customer Id and system will populate that customer info then select your customer.


Once a customer is selected you can see the “Running Balance” link of that customer. Click on that link to check the running balance of your customer.



Running Balance of Customer:

Enter the Check Number and payment amount you want to post for that customer and then click on “Post” button to save the receipt against that customer.



Once payment is successfully posted, the system will generate a receipt ID for that payment and all fields will be non-editable. System will automatically print that payment receipt from your receipt printer. Keep that receipt ID for future reference.





Step 2: Process cash receipt. (Offset it to an invoice).

You will find this section under “A/R -> Cash Receipts > Process Cash Receipt”.

On that screen you will find the list of customers against whom you have posted the receipt. Edit the customer for whom you want to process the receipt.



Step 3:

When you edit the customer then you will see the list of receipts you posted for that customer. In our example that is receipt ID 5178. Click on the edit icon of that receipt.



Step 4:

When you edit that receipt you will find all invoices you have made for that customer. In our example these are $100.00 and $50.00.


Step 5: Apply amount to the invoice against the receipt.

On this screen you will be able to apply the amount to the invoices.

  • Select (Check) the invoice which you want to adjust.
  • Provide the amount in the “Amount to Apply” field. You can apply for a partial or full amount for the invoice but you must have the sufficient amount in that cash receipt for the amount you are going to apply.
  • Click on the “Apply Cash Receipt” link on the top right of the screen.  Receipt will be processed successfully.




You will see the receipt was $120 but you applied the amount of $50.00. From that receipt in that case the system will close that receipt and create a new credit entry with the balance amount which can be used to offset any other invoice. In our example receipt was $120 and we applied $50.00 so the balance is $70.00 which is displaying here as new credit entry. 


Step 6: Review customer financial and statements:

We have adjusted the invoice of $50.00 from the total invoiced amount $150.00 of that customer. And we have left the credit balance of the receipt $70.00 ($120 – $50.00).

  • Now in the financial you can see available credit left is $900 which is the credit limit less remaining un-adjusted invoice amount.
  • Current A/R is 30.00 because the customer you have received payment of $120 and adjusted the invoice of $50.00 so remaining credit is $70.00 which you can adjust against the rest invoice $100.00. So will ask the customer for the payment of $30.00 ($100.00 – $70.00).
  • Under 30 it is displaying $100.00 because that invoice has not adjusted yet.




  •  Left is the remaining un-adjusted invoice in the statement. 

Note:  if you have not fully applied the invoice amount then that invoice will be here in the statement until fully adjusted.



*Note- after applying payment to the invoice, if there are requirements of an adjustment to add/reduce the invoice amount then those should be done using Debit or Credit memo.

If full or partial refund, or cancellation is needed, then process the refund using the Refund icon on the Order List page.


Click here to download payment processing steps in PDF file.