How to Create a Trip Sheet for Drivers (manual routing)
There are two ways to create a trip sheet for drivers. First, you can route your deliveries and generate a trip sheet automatically using our QuickRoute function. The purpose of this function is to optimize the local delivery stops in the most efficient manner using Google maps, based on delivery priority times.
Click the link below to learn more about the QuickRoute function:
You can also route your drivers and create a trip sheet manually. To do this go to your Delivery Manager. From your POS dashboard go to “Tools” and then click on “Delivery Manager.”
In Delivery Manager current days deliveries will appear, or enter the date for the deliveries you would like to route. Select the orders that you need and click “Generate Trip Sheet.”
When you click “Generate Trip Sheet” a trip sheet will appear with the deliveries in sequential order as you see them in the Delivery Manager screen.
To place them in a specific order, first, check the boxes for the orders you need. Then, using the “Sorting Order” column, enter the number in which you want the order delivered. Once you’ve done this you can “Generate Trip Sheet.”
How to Create a Trip Sheet for Drivers (Order Scanning)
Login in your POS module and then in left menu go as follows:
Tools --> Delivery Manager
Then go to “Advance Trip Sheet” tab. There you will see following screen.
Select Dispatcher, Driver, Vehicle ID etc from list and then put cursor inside “Order Number” textbox and then scan from your scanner.
When you scan from your barcode, system will autofill order# in order number textbox then hit “Add This Order in Tripsheet”.
Once you add order# in trispheet then it will add that order in new trispheet.
Note : If you want to add order in existing tripsheet then first select existing tripsheet from list and then put cursor inside “Order Number” textbox and then scan from your scanner.
Hit “Add This Order in Tripsheet” button to add that order in existing trispheet.